Thanks for the e-mails and support.
All of you writers outside of Texas trading flicks with me; much thanks
and I'll keep sending you more TX fly burns!
Peace and Hairgrease - Rat - HTF

For information or contributing flix to our on-line magazine e-mail us at: ARMADILLO


at 149st











u.t.i. crew



Haunt One











For those that need a history lesson:
A new Texas for the "graffiti millennium."

How do you feel about graffiti? When this question pops up it tends to raise eyebrows when it comes to "corporate America." Then again some people accept it as a form of urban art. Whatever the case may be --it's neither one to me. Graffiti art is here to stay whether you think it's a form of modern day art or a whole screwed up sub-culture that has infected our streets. There's only a handful of graffiti artists that have earned the respect of our community as "distinguished street artists." When you think of these painters you think of the Houston old school; Gonzo 247, Merge 360, Briejock and the list continues to a certain extent. When Gonzo's "Aerosol Warefare" video hit the streets of Houston's underground the whole graffiti art scene expanded dramatically. Gonzo and the rest of these respected artists carried the "torch of acceptance" in the community back then and still continue to till this day. Now, the torch has been extended to Texas Massive up and coming writers who have taken the graffiti movement and spread it across the Lone Star State. Armadillo presents this for the world. Skeez 181


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